Apr 202010
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Kein Witz, Millionen von Menschen versuchen, die nächste "Star" im Poker, aber hier ist eine kurze Verschraubung am 4. des berühmten "großen Spieler" des Spiels. Trotz der Tatsache, dass "nett" mit ihrem Namen verbunden ist, wenn Sie an einem Pokertisch sind, ist es "nicht mehr Mr. Nice Guy", bis sie dich aus dem Wettbewerb entfernt!

Daniel Negreanu

In zwei tausend und vier, sein Turnier Ergebnis hat bis in den Bereich von vier und eine halbe Million Dollar und er kam sofort mit zwei sehr bewundert Auszeichnungen in der WSOP Player of the Year und Kartenspieler Magazine's Tournament Player of the Year. Im Februar 2006 wurde er Preferred Card Player's Poker Player gestattet. Er hat immer noch den Anstand, mit seiner Bewunderer sprechen darüber wie sie in der Lage, ihr eigenes Spiel voraus.

Howard Lederer

Genannt "The Professor" und der Bruder des Kollegen Pokerprofi Annie Duke. Seine Leistungen haben dazu geführt, dass ihm ein Lehr-Video namens "Secrets of No Limit Hold'em" und auch im Besitz eines Poker-Turnier-Show für Fox. Ab dem Jahr 2005 übersteigen seine komplette Lebensdauer Gewinn 2,7 Millionen Dollar.

Scotty Nguyen

Scotty ist einer der verkehrsreichsten in professionellen Poker-Spieler und von zwei tausend bis zweitausend und vier, die er rangiert in der Geld in weit über hundert Turniere. Er ist zu sagen "yeah baby" im Poker-berüchtigten Spiele und auch mit dem Satz "dass Poker gutgeschrieben Baby", wenn ein außergewöhnlich schlechter Niederlage. Als der zweitausendsechs, Zeit seines Lebens Ergebnis sind nur etwa 6 Millionen Dollar.

Chris Ferguson

Chris hat fünf WSOP-Titel mit zwei seiner Erfolge kommt in zwei tausend und drei gefangen genommen. Hat die alias "Jesus" wegen seiner charakteristischen langen Haaren und Bart, zusammen mit seiner Fähigkeit, Karten schnell genug, um durch Bananen und Essiggurken schneiden werfen. Als der zweitausendundfünf seinen insgesamt Live-Poker-Turnier Gewinne mehr als 5 Millionen Dollar.

Apr 182010

Poker chips have been manufactured from a varied selection of materials in an almost endless variety of variations since the creation of betting and the requirement to track winnings. The most common components employed today in the creation of modern poker chips are plastic, clay composite, and acrylics. Clay chips, the oldest of the group, have been made in the US since the late 19th century.

Back in the 1800s, poker enthusiasts appear to be using any tiny valuable object you can imagine. Early poker enthusiasts occasionally employed rough gold pieces as well as chips – chiefly made of wood and clay. By the 1900s, poker chip designs started to enjoy a greater prominence, and the smooth sides of older chips gave way to chips with ridges to hold them neatly arranged together.

There is little or no doubt that poker has expanded constantly in appeal ever since its origin in the 1800s. With the explosive growth of web gambling and unique TV shows, community interest in poker has feed the fire faster than ever before. Many folks are initially introduced to poker by television showssuch as Bravo’s "Celebrity Poker Showdown" or "Poker After Dark," and many will compete in their initial hands on the web. Despite internet poker’s growth, not much competes with the feeling of holding heavy clay poker chips in your hands, tossing chips into the middle of a poker table, or creating tall pilesstacks of chips after displaying a winning hand.

Apr 182010
[ English ]

For a match where most participants occasionally consider good luck, there are tons of folklore in poker. When you say that a player was blessed in that poker tournament they captured, be careful of how you mention it. For instance, if you mention that you were unlucky, your luck may never change.

Ok, that might sound a bit strange, but poker is a casino game armed with superstitions. Did you know that if you are wagering a game with 2 different decks and you’re asked to select the deck, you should always select the deck that is furthest from you? Or, how about If you get a run of terrible cards, you need to sit on a hankerchief to break your horrible luck? It’s certainly considered good luck to blow through a deck of cards while they’re being randomized.

Some other interesting poker superstitions are:

  • You might be able to alter the run of cards by going around your chair 3 times.
  • The luckiest chair at the poker table looks at the entrance.
  • The most detrimental spot has its rear to a fireplace.
  • When changing chairs, you should constantly do so clockwise.
  • The worst poker card is the four of clubs.
  • It’s very unfortunate to sit with your legs crossed at the poker table.
  • Friday is a awful day for playing cards.
  • The thirteenth is also a terrible day, despite when it falls during the week.
Apr 042010

Just about everywhere you go many people are talking about taking part in poker. There are local tournaments, garage games, and poker rooms where you can participate. You are able to even purchase handheld and video games to enjoy at home. But if you want the excitement of participating against actual live people, while remaining in the coziness of your own condominium, then web poker could be for you.

Net poker allows you to play poker on any computer, all hours. 24 hours a day, you will be able to find people prepaired to sit down to a great game of cards. Do not go to sleep, if you like, and bet until the sun comes up. If you need something to do to kill some time at work, web poker is always there, although, make certain you do not get caught playing by your boss.

Another beautiful benefit of wagering on a net poker game is that you have many wagering choices. You can gamble for actual cash, at either high or small stakes tables. You are able to even wager with virtual chips and play just for fun. This permits you to learn a new game or brush up on your abilities, prior to taking any chances with your hard earned money. Web-based poker can be tweaked to suit your game, whether you are a poker pro or just a beginner.

You have a bit of advice, now it is time to get all set to wager. So prepare yourself for a ton of fun and awesome gambling. This could just be your new habit. Get yourself an online poker room and begin enjoying net poker today.

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