Online Poker Casino Varieties Big Risk Poker im Netz
Feb 242010

No Cost poker tournaments are every day events that take place on most of the best online poker rooms. Freerolls are greatly loved by the poker wagering community as they provide the poker competitors the hopes to win some bonafide cash without losing any. The entry to these freerolls is – like their titles indicates – free of charge and jackpot money can range from a couple of bucks for a placing to hundreds of dollars for capturing the huge freeroll hold’em poker tournaments.

So how come the poker websites have free tournaments? Is it because of their incredibly benevolent nature and the reality that they earn huge sums of money so they feel a societal obligation to bestow a bit of it back?

What do you think!

No of course it is not, the reason that the big poker sites provide freerolls is to lure people to their website.

Here’s the idea in a nutshell – You come across a site that has a great freeroll, it costs you nada to enroll in and you will be able to capture 100 dollars. You think "fantastic!" and you go along to the site and get registered as a member so you can participate in the freeroll. You gamble and get knocked out quickly and are ticked off mainly because you feel you should have faired better, or you get close to winning and so you’re wanting some additional play. What do you do? You wager some cash at the poker room and play another poker match!

Always check out the freerolls for payout constraints, you will almost always have to play some hands for real cash before they allow you take the money out. Often this is on a one to one basis, so if you capture 20 dollars at the no cost poker tournament you will have to have wagered for twenty dollars in real $$$$$ in order for you to be able to withdraw the $$$$.

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